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6 Travel Tips For Your Next Gatlinburg Vacation With Toddler

father and child enjoying Gatlinburg vacation with toddler
June 29, 2015

Preparing for any vacation takes a lot of work, especially if you are planning a Gatlinburg vacation with toddler. That is why we have put together a few simple travel tips to help make sure your next getaway with your family is memorable and relaxing.

Before Your Trip

As you know, a relaxing family vacation starts long before you get in the car or airplane and head to Gatlinburg and the Smokies. Because of this, we started our list of travel tips with a few pointed to keep in mind during your journey to the area.

1. Think of Interactive Games For the Car or Plane

toddler in car on the way to Gatlinburg vacation with toddler

It’s no secret that toddlers have a shorter attention span than adults. Therefore, it is harder to keep them excited about long drives or flights. However, you can easily change this by remembering to look for a few fun and interactive games to keep them entertained en route.

This can be as easy as playing ‘I Spy’ or keeping track of all of the state license plates you see on the road.

If you have more of a tech-savvy toddler, you can always look for interactive games on your smartphone or tablet for them to play with.

little girl looking at pictures of cabins in Gatlinburg TN2. Show Your Child Pictures of Where You’re Going to Stay

When traveling to a new and exciting place, it may take a little more convincing to get your toddler as excited about staying in a strange place. That is why we suggest you pull up photos of your favorite Gatlinburg cabin to show your child where you will be staying while on vacation.

Not only will this help him/her get an idea of where you will be staying, but they will then be able to visualize your all’s trip. Therefore, he/she will start to get even more excited about the upcoming adventure.

Click here for more ideas on how to include your child with planning your family vacation.

When You Arrive

mom and daughter looking out at Smoky Mountains

Now that you have finally arrived at your vacation destination, it is time to discover the first steps you need to take to make your Gatlinburg vacation with toddler one to remember.

3. Unpack

One of the first things you will want to do during your next Gatlinburg vacation with toddler is to help them feel at home in your cabin rental. This includes unpacking.

If you followed our simple Gatlinburg vacation packing guide, then this should not take too much time. All you have to do is put your child’s clothes away, maybe place their favorite pillow on the bed, and anything else that you may have brought. By doing this, you are helping your child feel at home during your vacation. This will help them feel more relaxed and comfortable throughout your stay, of which will make for a more enjoyable travel experience.

child play area in a Gatlinburg cabin4. Set Up a Play Area

Just like it is important to unpack when you arrive at your cabin to help your little one settle in, it is equally important to set up a mini play area. We aren’t saying you have to dedicate your entire living room to be a kids-only zone, but you can set up a collection of toys on a shelf or in a basket in one room that your kid can get to easily. Toddlers aren’t quite tall enough to enjoy a game of pool or to play the arcade games, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t bring along a few toys or amusements for him or her to play with during your downtime.

5. Remember to Schedule Naps

toddler napping during Gatlinburg vacation with toddler

Although it is easy to pack your Gatlinburg vacation itinerary full of fun and exciting things to do, it is important to remember to schedule naps. This will give both you and your little one time to recoup and rejuvenate before you go on your next adventure.

Making sure you that you have time to rest will also help prevent any unwanted temper tantrums or meltdowns. This will help keep everyone in your family and group happy and in good spirits throughout your stay.

mom and child exploring Gatlinburg TN6. Go For a Scenic Drive

Speaking of nap time, if your toddler is good with sleeping in cars, you can use this time to take a scenic drive through the mountains. This is good if you want to get out and explore the natural beauty of the area without sacrificing your child’s nap time.

Scenic drives are also a great way to experience a lot of the area without having to get out of your car. This is perfect if you don’t think your kids will have a long attention span for walking around outside near historic home sites and buildings. We aren’t saying that you can’t stop and explore if you see something interesting, but just that this is a good way to enjoy more of the area during your vacation.

Start planning your next Gatlinburg vacation with toddler today by booking one of our spacious Gatlinburg cabin rentals. With cabins ranging in size from 1 bedroom to 10 bedrooms, we have the perfect place for you and your family to rest and relax in the heart of the mountains.

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